Janice D. Ona
36 years old
Lanatan, Balayan, Batangas
Female, married with 1 dependent
Teacher’s Certificate Program
January- June 2019
• Daily sales monitoring and reporting to management;
• Weekly checking and monitoring of employees payroll;
• Checking up to date posting of head office books, disbursement, liquidations, sales and cash receipts;
• Preparing/analyzing billing and collections;
• Monthly bookkeeping and initial preparation of Financial Statements submitted to head office for checking and approval;
• Marketing Function including preparation of sales quotation, pricing of commercial batching plant, scheduling per week confirmed transactions
• Human Resources Function including preparation of mandatory government reports such as SSS, Phil health, HDMF and DENR mandated reports; Monthly employee’s tool box meeting.
• Checking up to date posting of Head office books, disbursement, liquidations, sales and cash receipts
• Preparation of Balance Sheet and Income Statement with schedules, General Journal Entries, and Bank Reconciliation Statements;
• Recording of Sales and all Company’s collection in accounting software
• Filing of Expanded withholding tax, Vat and withholding tax on compensation for payment;
• Performs other related task as needed
• Ensures timely checking of employees claims and reimbursement
• Coordinate and perform a variety of complex accounting duties in preparation, processing and recording of actual expenses of handled accounts;
• Preparing journal entries; maintaining and reconciling ledger accounts;
• Preparing and analyzing billing and account receivables;
• Strictly monitors & follow up payment from clients;
• Ensures timely processing of Sales Commission from top management to rank and file.
• Preparing journal entries; maintaining and reconciling ledger accounts;
• Monthly recording and booking of commission;
• Monthly preparation of sales report
• Handles non-recurring tasks that may be assigned by Accounting
Supervisor and Finance Manager;
• Verifying accuracy of invoices/OR and other supporting documents upon billing preparation
• Updating daily sales collection report
• Check releasing to accredited Clinics and Hospitals
• Filing of daily sales collection list; official receipts and Doctor’s monthly statement of account
• Monthly output vat preparation
• Receiving payments of School fees with utmost care and responsibility.
• Recording of all Company’s collection;
• Ensures timely preparation, filing and payment of reportorial requirements
with government agencies such as BIR, SSS, HDMF and PHIC;
• Coordinate and perform a variety of complex accounting duties in the
preparation, processing, maintenance of employee’s payroll, salary
and benefit calculation.
• Preparing journal entries; maintaining and reconciling accounts