
John Ronald P. Costales Beautician

Quezon city
Adobe PhotoshopdancingMicrosoft Wordtyping


I’m John Ronald P. Costales , 22 years of age, my birthday June 03, 1996 and im living in 147 Area 5 Luzon Ave Old Balara Quezon City. I am very interested to work in  austrialia.Because i want to help my family for all those  they needs.I am a breedwinner in the family..So, please help me to find a work..Anykind of work ..Thank you!


2011-2012 I am honorable when im highschool life at Don Mariano Q. Umipig National High School

I am highschool graduate.


January 06, 2015 up to present Incoder / Graphic Artist at Korkio International Trade Corp.