
Jonalyn Aclan Restaurant supervisor / operation in charge


Jonalyn Aclan

Birthday: september.24,1980

Status: single

Nationality: Filipino

Language: English

Educational Attainment: Bachelor         of Science in Psychology




June,1997-March,2001 Bachelor's Degree at Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University


October,2014-October,2017 Receptionist at Fitnessfirst Gym International

Beside being a receptionist I do also renewal/ sales consultant in addition to my job as well as to my knowledge

May.2010-October.2014 Operation in charge / manager at Del Carmen Bed and Breakfast

Being an operation in charge I check all departments on or before our shift through the help of my subordinates

2006-2008 Supervisor at Bandidos Mexican restaurant

Supervised all what we have on the shift.. I also in charge on the restaurant in my manager is on vacation or on leaved.