To secure and established permanent give and take relationship where in i can give input to my job as babysitter and nanny, in the hospital i was worked as staff midwife. I was in abroad so many years to worked as babysitter and nanny, i will doing a light housekeeping and i will doing to prepare for their lunch for school, i will feed them for dinner during the day with out school i will take the kids to the park i will play with them. I was fulfilled my job as babysitter and nanny. Who ever to hired me this position i will do my best to make you happy. Also i had a background as i trained nurse, also been helpful in many instance to help with minor issues.in addition i will not give much leeway and freedom to the children, also i love to handle a new born baby.
Passing Board exam
Fulfilled my job as babysitter
I was satisfied my job as babysitter