Looking for a job related to the field of internal auditing and accountancy, where I would utilize my skills in the in
order to help in reaching the company’s goals, as well as to gain valuable experience and knowledge. Moreover, I would like to work with other professionals to improve my skills which would allow me to further contribute in the
field of accounting and auditing.
Far Eastern University (FEU)
City of Manila
Assurance Department Intern
January 31, 2018 – April 11, 2018
SyCip Gorres Velayo & Co.
SGV 1 & 2 Building, 6760 Ayala Ave, Legazpi Village, Makati, Metro Manila
Duties and Responsibilites:
– Assist the engagement team in audit documentation
– Perform data analysis as part of performing analytical procedures
– Examine supporting documents as part of test of details
– Assist the engagement in archiving of audit works