#02 Brgy. Pinulot, Dinalupihan, Bataan
2110 Philippines
Mobile No. 09475992731
Email Address: [email protected]
Personal Information:
Marital Status: Married
Date of Birth: April 15, 1968
Place of Birth: Dinalupihan, Bataan
Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Weight: 130lbs.
Height: 5’7”
Educational Attainment:
Elementary: San Ramon Elementary School
Dinalupihan Bataan
S.Y. 1975-1981
High School: (NBI) Northen Bataan Institution
Dinalupihan, Bataan
S.Y. 1981-1985
College: BPSU- Civil Engineering
Dinalupihan, Bataan
First Year College Only
Another GA.