
Max Magalhaes Forest Engineer, Horticulturalist

Juiz de Fora, BRazil
greenhouseplant produtionpropogation

Greenhouse / Nursery Grower, Section Grower, Grower Assistant, Landscaping Supervisor.
Postgraduate study / Specialization (May/2013)
Safety Engineer – Federal University of Juiz de Fora – UFJF Brazil 
Graduation, 5 years degree (December/2006)
Forest Engineer at Federal University of Viçosa – UFV Brazil 
Grower (Present moment)
Juiz de Fora City Hall (MG/Brazil)
Grower by the Juiz de Fora city hall,. Responsible for seedling production in greenhouses for arboriculture in the city and also flower production to sustain the landscaping of the city. During this period, we reduced water consumption and losses from pests and diseases by means of efficient maintenance and prevention.
Landscaping Assistant (2010 – 2011)
Christchuch Botanical Services (Christchurch, New Zealand)
Assisting maintaining and developing of the collections and gardens held within the Botanic Gardens in Hagley Park. During this time we kept the quality and timing for the blooming period.
Assistant (2008 – 2009)
Proven Winners EuroAmerican Propagators (Bonsall, California,USA.)
Greenhouse /Nursery, plant propagation with cuttings and tissue culture, researched and developed new varieties, performed tests in the virus laboratory by ELISA Method, photo and data updating for the sales department, chemical control of pests and diseases.

Trainee (2006 – 2007)
Propagation Australia (Brisbane, QLD, Australia)
Greenhouse, plant propagation. Trainee responsible for picking up overseas plant material from a government quarantine, prepared planting area for seedling, cutting and tissue culture material; very organized storage area, drove truck delivering plants.
Trainee (2004-2005)
J. Frank Schmidt & Son Greenhouses (Boring, Oregon, USA)
Tree nursery greenhouse trainee, involved in all aspects of propagating cuttings, growing, harvesting, packing and shipping, deciduous shade and flowering trees, shrubs, conifers and containerized plant material.
Qualifications / Skills
Fluent English, Fluent Spanish, Portuguese (native language). 
International experience in Australia, United States and New Zealand where I lived; also went to visit Argentina, Cambodia, Malaysia, Mexico, Paraguay, Thailand, Uruguay.
Successful working with people from multiple cultures. 
Availability to live in other states / countries, and also to travel. 
High skills in Internet, Microsoft Word, Access, Outlook, Excel ,Powerpoint, Social Networks and Prezi.
International Driver License (Available to drive in USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand). 
Volunteer work: 
2010 Department of Conservation (DOC), Boundary Stream Mainland
Island – Napier, New Zealand.
2007 Christchurch Botanical Services – Christchurch, New Zealand.
2004 and 2001 Farmer’s Week – Federal University of Viçosa (UFV). Viçosa,
MG, Brazil.
2003 NGO Iracambi – Muriaé, MG, Brazil.
2003 Ibitipoca State Park (PEIB) – Conceição de Ibitipoca, MG, Brazil.
2002 Forest State Institute (IEF) – Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil.
References and supporting documentation furnished upon request