
Md. Faysal Hosain Mazed Web Developer(backend)

  • Career Summary & Objective

I have professional experience in software development using Java, ASP dot net web MVC-5 as well as PHP
laravel framework. Moreover, for database designing and maintenance, I used SQL server-2016, Oracle-11g,
and MySQL database. Besides, I developed several academic desktop and web-based projects during my bachelor study
where I used Java swing, PHP Codeigniter framework. At the time of my master’s study in China, I conducted
my thesis on the topic “Apache Kafka messaging system and real-time streaming data analysis” where I work with
java functional programming, elastic search, and used Kibana dashboard for data visualization.


  •  M.Sc. in Software Engineering, Wuhan University, Hubei province, China, 09/2017 – 06/2019, GPA is 3.43(score 87.88 on a 100%) out of 4.
  •   B.Sc.  In Software Engineering, Daffodil International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 05/2011-05/2016, GPA is 3.94 out   of 4.
  • HSC (Higher Secondary Certificate) , Science, Lakshmipur  Govt. College, Bangladesh, passing year- 2009, GPA is 3.90 out of 5.
  • SSC (Secondary School Certificate), Science, Dalal Bazer N.K High school, Bangladesh, passing year- 2007, GPA is 4.25 out of 5.


Employment History

  1. Daffodil International University. Dhaka, Bangladesh
    Designation: Part-time faculty member, January 2020 to till now.
    Responsibility: Conducting web-based software development courses for undergraduate students.
  2. Computer Lab: School of Computer Science Lab, Wuhan University, China.
    Designation: Group member of the research and development team, April 2018 to June 2019.
    Responsibility: Data Analysis and visualization (Area of Big Data technology).
  3.  Company Name: Adventure Soft Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
    Designation: Software Developer, December 2015 to April 2017.
    Responsibility: Web-based software development and database maintenance.
  4.  Company Name: Talha Training & software Limited
    Designation. : Web-Based Software developer (internship), February 2015 to November 2015.
    Responsibility. : Web-based software development and testing.

 Professional Training:

  •   Web-based software development using PHP Laravel Framework: Leveraging ICT for Growth, Employment and Governance training program organized by ICT ministry of Bangladesh. 3 months training program (June-2017 to August-2017).
  •  ASP Dot Net web MVC-5 Technology: Skill for employment investment training program organized by Bangladesh Association of Software information Service (BASIS).  3 months training program (24-11-2015 to 16-02-2016).
  • PHP Codeigniter Framework: 3-months training program organized by the Bangladesh Association of Software information Service (BASIS). (16-09-2014 to 08-01-2015).

  Professional Skill

  • Programming Languages: Java, C#, PHP( Laravel and Codeigniter framework)
  •  Databases: SQL server-2016, MySQL.
  • Tools: Visual Studio 2013, NetBeans IDE, Sublime text, Eclipse IDE
  • Platforms: Windows7/8/10, macOS, Ubuntu 16.04
  • Others:  Software development life cycle (Waterfall model, Agile model).


  1. Project name: Account management system of a real estate company
  • Project Description: There are two panels of this project. One is customer panel and another is admin panel.
  • Customer panel: A customer can see his/her all payment information. Customer can update his/her personal information. Customer will be given a unique auto generate username and password for his/her own panel when he/she will be registered under the company.
  • Admin panel: saving all customer information to database, Access role maintenance of all employees under the company. Keep records all income and expense categorically. Generate balance sheet daily weekly monthly and yearly basis. If any transactions happen, a notification is sent to customer panel and Manager Panel automatically.
  • Project Duration: Involvement:  12/2016 –04/2017
  • Programming Duration: Programming: 3 months in this project.
  • Actual coding:  6 hours per day.


  • Designed and implemented user interfaces (UI).
  • Testing and bug fixing.
  • Backend coding for access role maintenance of all employees under the company. Generate balance sheet daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis.
  • Used: ASP dot net web MVC-5 technology, tool: Visual studio-2013, and platform: Windows-8.

        2.Project name: Central Reporting System of School ERP

  • Project Description: accumulating student result and information from all schools website under a division and displaying data to a single website. Generate yearly report of student passing rate in Secondary and higher secondary school examination under each division.
  • Project Duration: Involvement:  07/2016 –10/2016
  • Programming Duration: Programming: 2 months in this project.
  • Actual coding:  5 hours per day.  Main working area: database maintenance and data handling in the main web portal.


  • Web page designing.
  • Backend coding for generating yearly report of student passing rate in Secondary and higher secondary school examination.
  • Used: PHP Laravel framework, Ajax, JQuery, JSON, tool: Net beans, and platform: Ubuntu

    3.Project name:  Ecommerce

  • Project Description: Storing product categorically with barcode. Selling product, shopping card, payment method integration (credit card, PayPal), online order processing, generate report with chart and balance sheet.
  • Project Duration: Involvement:  03/2016 –08/2016
  • Programming Duration: Programming: 4 months in this project.
  • Actual coding:  6 hours per day.


  •  Web page design for user panel and admin dashboard.
  •   Testing and bug fixing.
  •  Backend coding for admin panel: online order processing, generate report with chart and balance sheet. Payment method integration (credit card, PayPal).
  • Used: PHP Laravel framework, Ajax, JQuery, JSON, Database: MySQL, tool: Net beans, and platform: Ubuntu.

    4.Project name: POS (point of sell)

  • Project Description: Purchase product from supplier and save into database categorically. Sell product and remove from stock, Generate barcode for product during save into database, Generate purchase and sell report, Generate balance sheet, and Payment method integration.
  • Project Duration: Involvement:  02/2015 –05/2015
  • Programming Duration: Programming: 4 months in this project.
  • Actual coding:  4 hours per day.


  •  Interface design.
  • Testing and bug fixing.
  • Coding and implementation
  • Used: Java Swing, Database: MySQL, tool: Net beans, and platform: Windows-7.