
Md. Mridul Shakh Sr. Accountant

Dhaka, Bangladesh Mridul Sheikh SM Mridul
2010 Internet Browsing ERP Tallyand MS PowerPoint Windows 2007MS ExcelMS WordQuickbooks

To obtain suitable position in view of rendering my professional services in the field of Financial Accounting, Cost & Management Accounting including Internal Auditing, Taxation & VAT as necessary for my employing company.


2008 S.S.C at Abul Hossain High School


2008-2010 H.S.C at S.M. High School and College

Business Studies

2010-2014 BBA at International University of Business Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT)

Major: Finance and Banking

2016-2017 MBA at City University of Bangladesh (CUB)

Major: Finance and Banking

2015-2018 CA (Course Completed) at Institute of Charted Accounts of Bangladesh

Professional Responsibilities of Prepared a Financial Statement, VAT, TAX, Audit, and Company Affairs (RJSC)


21, June 2018 to Continue Sr. Accountant at Atlas Toiletries Limited

Core Responsibilities, Accounts Preparation, VAT, Tax, and Company affairs related work.