I would now like to further my career, working within a stimulating and challenging environment that would enable me to use skills that have been highly developed throughout my current and previous occupations and provide opportunities for self-development
Mehran Khan
Father’s Name : Abdur Rehman
Date of Birth : 02-Apr-1996
Marital Status : Single
Religion : Islam
Domicile : Abbottabad
Nationality : Pakistani
CNIC : 13101-3018795-5
Qualification Subject Marks/CGPA Passing Year Board/University
Matric Science (689/1050)
BISE Abbottabad SSC Pre Medical 530 2014 BISE Abbottabad
BS(hons) GIS & RS CGPA=3.43/4.00(2014-2018)
Abbottabad University of Science and Technology
[email protected]
Hashmi Street 6 PMA link road Bilal town