
Mohammad Enamur Rahman Agricultural Development as well as Water Management through Water Management Organizations.

Chittagong and Sylhet Divisions of Bangladesh. Md. Enamur Rahman
Agricultural Development and Water Management through Water Management Organizations.

Name:  Md. Enamur Rahman

Date of Birth: 1 October 1966.

Designation: Principal Extension Officer.

Place of Posting: Office of the Principal Extension Officer, BWDB, Cumilla, Bangladesh.

Academic Qualification:

  • M.Sc. (Soil Science), Dhaka University
  • PGDip. in WRD (Water Resource Development), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
  • e-Learning Technical course (Sustainable Planning and Economic Regulation of Water Services), Hydroaid, Hydrodata and Turin School of Local Regulation. 200 hours course.
  • e-Learning Technical course (Governance of Environmental and Water Services, Climate Change and Right to Water), Hydroaid, Universite Cheikh Anta Diop De Dakar  and Institut de la Gouvernance territoriale (IGT). 240 hours course.

Working Experience:

  • 25.6 years of working experience in Agricultural Development and Water Management through Water Management Organizations.
  • Present Position is Principle Extension Officer. As a zonal chief I have to monitor my sub offices who are engaged to motivate the stakeholders of water resource projects to form ‘Water Management Organization (WMO)’ for their socio-economic developments. Besides, every year I perform workshops and seminar for developing new ideas on Water Management.


Secondary School Certificate – 1971 to 1981; Higher Secondary Certificate – 1981 to 1983; Bechelor of Science in Soil Science – 1984 to 1987; Master of Science in Soil Science – 1987 to 1988; PGDip. in WRD (Water Resource Development) - 2004 to 2006; e-Learning Technical course in Sustainable Planning and Economic Regulation of Water Services – 13 March to 9 June 2017; e-Learning Technical course in Governance of Environmental and Water Services, Climate Change and Right to Water - 17 December 2018 to 23 June 2019 Secondary School Certificate - Nawabpur Govt. High School, Dhaka; Higher Secondary Certificate - Shaheed Sarwardi College, Dhaka; Bechelor of Science in Soil Science - Dhaka University; Master of Science in Soil Science - Dhaka University; PGDip. in WRD (Water Resource Development), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET); e-Learning Technical course in Sustainable Planning and Economic Regulation of Water Services - Hydroaid, Hydrodata and Turin School of Local Regulation; e-Learning Technical course in Governance of Environmental and Water Services, Climate Change and Right to Water - Hydroaid, Universite Cheikh Anta Diop De Dakar and Institut de la Gouvernance territoriale (IGT). at Nawabpur Govt. High School, Dhaka; Shaheed Sarwardi College, Dhaka; Dhaka University; Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology; Hydroaid, Hydrodata and Turin School of Local Regulation Hydroaid, Universite Cheikh Anta Diop De Dakar and Institut de la Gouvernance territoriale (IGT).