Name: Nersam R. Ohagan

Age: 30

Birthday: February 26 1989

Birthplace: Kabankalan City Negros Occidental

Contact number:+639066019498/+639362239355

Address: Banilad Dumaguete City Negros Oriental 6200

Email: [email protected]

Hieght: 5’4″

Weight: 62 kls.


2003-2008 Graduate at Dumaguete City High School



June 2009-November 2009 Merchandiser at Santrad Marketing Inc.

End of Contract

November 2009-June 2010 Merchandiser at Sara lee Phil.

End of Contract

February 2012-September 2012 Labor at City Enginners Office

Job order

February-August 2013 Service Crew at Greenwich Robinsons Dumaguete Phil.

End of Contract