
Nestlelyn L. Oyao Nursing graduate


I am Nestlelyn Lara Oyao 32 years old . a Bachelor of science in nursing grsduate batch 2008 unfortunately i did not pass the licensure examination. I am working as a merchandiser in a factory here in the philippines.


June 14,2004 - April 18,2008 Nursing graduate at University of Southern Philippines foundation
2000-2004 Tertiary at St. Dominic savio learning center


Feb 19,2018 - present Merchndiser at Fpf corporation
Oct 06,2014 - oct 06,2017 Finish good -Quality controller at Fpf corporation
Feb 12,2014 - Oct 06,2014 Merchandiser at Dong in tech dawn
July 13,2013 - Feb 12,2014 Operator / checker at Minebea mitsumi philippines
April 11,2010 - April 18,2013 Assistant storehead at Lucerne group of companies
June 03,2010 to December 12,2010 Cashier at Sm Cebu department store