Noel A. Cancino
Nationality : Filipino
Marital Status : Married
Profession : Architect
Cellphone no. : +973 33 000 436
E-mail address : [email protected]
Review contractor’s submittals:
SD-Shop Drawings, MAR-Materials Approval Request + samples, SCAR-Subcontractors Approval Request, MS-Method Statement & ABD-As Built Drawings. Review & Approve mock up samples. Attend RFI-Request for Information. Prepare RFC-Request for Change & issue EI-Engineer’s Instructions. Prepare design sketches required at site. Periodic site inspections & issue SI-Site Instructions as required. Issue SVN-Site Visit Notes & NCR-Non Compliance Report as necessary. Conduct & prepare punch / snags & de snags inspection list. Issue DLN-Defects Liability Note. Regularly observed and checked overall site safety practices.
Designs & site experiences in the field of Architectural profession:
Prepares Schematic Design, Design Development & Contract Document phases of the proposed projects – residential, commercial, and institutional and office buildings, including designs of its interior spaces. Conduct regular site inspection, coordination and supervision activities. Also prepares Shop Drawings and coordinated the same with structural, MEP and other related services & discipline required.
Confident and decisive under stressful conditions. Enthusiastic, committed and resourceful. Self-motivated, adaptable and quick learner.
Site Architect: Architectural Inspector:
Examine plans, drawings and site layouts for the proposed structures prior to start of construction activities.
Attend RFI & review MAR, Shop Drawings & ALL other submittals received from contractors and sub-contractors and make recommendations on resolution.
Prepare daily logs and reports. Maintain records of inspections made, tests performed, works executed, etc. Perform all work in accordance with the Contract Administration Procedures Manual.
Inspect construction works and other structures for conformance to the drawings, specifications and building ordinances.
Inspect construction sites to ensure that safe working conditions are maintained.
Assists with the inspection of completed works. Help prepare punch lists / snag lists.
Review materials delivered to site for conformance with the approved samples, materials and equipment.
Check that materials delivered to site are properly stored.
Review any requests for variance received from contractors and provide comments as to entitlement and recommendations on resolution. Participate with RE in negotiations as required.
Inspect existing buildings to identify and report on defects, fire hazards and other threats to safety.
Assist the RE in resolution of any claims.
Performs all other duties assigned by the RE, CM, PM and PD.
Design Architect: Private Practice:
Consult with the clients to determine the type, requirements, style, budgetary cost and the purpose of the new or renovation of building and construction being considered.
Conceptualize and develop plans describing design specifications, building materials, budgetary cost and construction schedules.
Prepare sketches of proposed project for client’s approval.
Prepare and supervise the preparation of drawings, specifications and other construction documents necessary for use by the contractors and tradespersons.
Prepare bidding documents, participate in contract negotiations and award construction contracts.
Monitor activities at construction site to ensure compliance with the specifications, national building code, local ordinances and contract administration procedures.
Conduct feasibility studies and financial analyses of building projects.
Perform other related tasks as may be deemed necessary.
Bachelor of Science in Architecture
Bachelor of Science in Education
COEPP – Committee on Organizing Engineering Professional Practice [Bahrain]
(EPP/BN/34/AE/04-A) Category “A” – Issued since January 1, 2010
Architect’s Licensure Examinations [Philippines] – Passed June 9, 1988
Teacher’s Licensure Examinations [Philippines] – Passed May 7, 1987
July 16, 2012 – Present:
Ansari Engineering Services [Bahrain]
Site Architect
Ministry of Housing Projects
PPP Project – Luwzi Site, Kingdom of Bahrain – 832 Villas
Strategic Project – AMAS Site, Budaiya, Kingdom of Bahrain – 530 Villas
July 4, 2010 – July 15, 2012:
Woods Bagot Architects [Foreign Branch]
Site Architect
Hotel Fit out – Kempinski’s Grand Hotel [5 Star] & Ixir Hotel [4 Star]
Bahrain City Centre, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain
September 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010:
Aref Sadeq Design Consultant SPC [Bahrain]
Site Architect
30 Units Villas at Awali, Kingdom of Bahrain
4-Storey KIMS Hospital at Salmaniya, Kingdom of Bahrain
Toyota Auto Paint & Sales Center at Salmabad, Kingdom of Bahrain
EK Kanoo Warehouse at Sanad, Kingdom of Bahrain
Al Bander Warehouse at Al Bander Sitra, Kingdom of Bahrain
2 Units Villas for Khulood M.A. Juma at Jeblat Al Habashi, Kingdom of Bahrain
October 30, 2006 – August 30, 2009:
MSCEB – Mohammed Salahuddin Consulting Engineering Bureau [Bahrain]
Architectural Inspector
Riffa Views – Residential & Golf Development at Riffa District, Kingdom of Bahrain
BCC – Bahrain City Centre [with 3 Levels Mall, 20 Cinemas, 2 Hotels, Water Park &
5 Levels Car park] at Seef District, Kingdom of Bahrain
Al Salam Bank Fit out at Seef Branch, Kingdom of Bahrain
April 24, 2004 – August 6, 2006:
HAIF Contracting Company [Riyadh, KSA]
Architect / Site Architect
Private Palace – Riyadh KSA
Hilton Palace Hotel Complex – Jeddah KSA
June 15, 1988 – April 15, 2004:
Architect Private Practice [Philippines]
Design & Build Services
Residential, Commercial, Mix use, Office, Institutional, Government School Building and other Government Building Projects.
March 2, 1987 – May 8, 2002:
DPWH – Department of Public Works & Highways [Philippines]
Design Architect / Site Architect
Responsible for all the designs, implementations & its technical & quality issues of the various propose government building projects.
Conduct ocular site inspection and investigation for the propose project.
Conduct consultations and conferences with the project end users.
Prepare project design analysis, planning, design proposals, design development and complete contract drawings and documents including its budgetary cost estimates, specifications and program of works.
Conduct project coordination, periodic inspection and supervision of various government building projects.
***Granted with approved permit to Private Practice – Architect Profession for DPWH (Government Employed) Architects, dated July 27, 1989 under Department Order No. 42, series of 1988.
UAP–United Architects of the Philippines: Corporate Member – 1988 to Present
CPE–Continuing Professional Education, Conventions, Conferences, Seminars & Building products seminars.
Availability: One (1) month upon noticed Salary reference: negotiable