
Pablo Agricultural Technician

Chile, Viña del Mar



Full Name: Pablo Alejandro Abello Contesse

Identity Card 8.484.185-4

Date of birth March 4, 1960, Santiago

Age 58 Years

Nationality: Chilean

Marital status: Single

Profession: Agricultural Technician

Coraceros 50 Dept. 32 Condominium Mare Nostrum

City Viña del Mar

Phone: +56 993316561




1965 – 1973 Basic education, Subercaseaux College, Santiago.

1974 – 1977 Middle School, Pan American College, Santiago.

Higher education

1978 – 1980 School of agricultural Administration, San Felipe, (National Society of Agriculture).

1982 Title: Agricultural technician, with mention in fruit-growing.

1983 – 1984 PostTitle, Improvement Scholarship Theoretical – Práctical, made in the EE. UU. In Administration of agricultural Companies and food security, made in the Estados of: Wisconsin, Iowa, Hawaii, California y Florida. International Farmers Association for Education.



1986 Seminar carried out by Fundación Chile. Relevant aspects of the fruit business. Opening of new markets, Statistics Comparative of fruit settlements, Visits by American businessmen, Growth projections, and new plantations of table grape a level national.

2004 Course carried out by Fundación Chile.

Analysis and application of the EUREPGAP protocol in export orchards edition 2004.

2008 – 2009 Applied studies at the Catholic University (School of Agronomy), in the area of Quillota, La Palma. Pro-Chile Scholarship. Business administration and agricultural economy, Good Agricultural Practices (B.P.A.), supervision and quality control, food handling and safety, comercialización of horticultural products, equipment maintenance, computational management.

2010 Seminar Intra – Entrepreneurship Made by Sercotec. Finance and accounting, Business plan, effective time management (Marketing), products and services.

2011 Course Fixation of Prices and State guarantees for the financing to the exporter, carried out by Pro-Chile.

2003 – 2004 English course Institute KOE, (Knowledge of English). Full conversation, advanced level of english with the fast & easy method.




1981 – 1982 Practice Carried out in the zone of Curicó Los Niches to receive the title of Technical Agricultural, with mention in fruit-growing. Assistant Farm Manager, Apple Orchards, Pears, cherry trees. Work done: Give Thinning, Irrigation, planting, starting Plants, layout of orchards, Phytosanitary Management, Harvest and dispatch of trucks. Maintenance of equipment, tractors, carriage, Sprayers Inventories and supplies. Supervisor of fruit in packing,  Packaging quality standards for different markets, Administrative work.

1983 – 1984 Scholarship of practical and theoretical perfection Made and EE.UU., Through society National agriculture in agreement with the International Farmers Association for Education. Work and study programme In relation to management, supervision, planning and administration.

Works Made: Control administration Production, slaughter and marketing of poultry, turkeys-chickens (Broiler). Feeding, vaccination and sanitary treatments. Marketing, distribution, and review of horticultural products, in port Los Angeles, to different chains of supermarkets (retail). Attention and sale of fruit to customers in the sales room of the farm, harvest in the orchard (Pick your own operation), food safety and hygiene protocols. Phytosanitary treatments in fruit orchards, quality control of fruits in cold rooms, tractor maintenance.

Applied Studies:

Administration of Agricultural enterprises, economy, business Transaction, Food handling and safety, (food safety). English Course, (laboratory) at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Seminar in the state of Florida, in relation to the experience,(Work and Study) carried out.


Natural Resources Information Center, Ministry of Agriculture. Field Supervisor in the updating of de cadastre of fruits in the area of Santiago and San Felipe. Information of orchards, plantations, surface, export fruits varieties, infrastructure and fruit agro-industry.

1985 -1987 AKROS EXPORTS.

Sales area Manager, area San Felipe. Technical department. Commercialization of agricultural products, pulverizers, tractors, sulphur machines, irrigation equipment, engines and generators, seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, pruning shears, tools, tyres, wires for parrones, heads, tutors. Integral technical Consultancy in field, management of orchards, design and maintenance of parks, gardens, indoor and seasonal plants, recovery of green areas, commercial management with suppliers and customers.

1987 – 2003 DOLE CHILE S.A.

Technical Area, City of San Felipe. Supervisor of orchards and packing to fruit producers. Programs and norms of packaging according to market, food safety, (food safety), G.M.P., G.A.P., HACCP, estimated production flows, sheets and records of quality control of fruit to packing, personnel management, harvest, irrigation and fertilization.Technical support general to producers, programs phytosanitary, financing, training and technical meetings for producers and workers. Technical Area, City of Copiapó. Supervisor of orchards, management and packing to fruit producers, Season 95/96 (replacement).

1994 – 2017 FARM MANAGER.

City of Los Andes, Farmer producer of fruit export,Table Grapes and Peaches.Technical and commercial management