
Richard M Reyno Fastfood delivery rider

To explore my knowledge and belief ti my abilities

Richard martinez reyno

Address 7802 lorenz ville nagpayong 2 pinagbuhatan pasig city

Contact no. 09090852771

Personal data

Birthday november 15 1986

Birthplace pasig city

Age 33 yrsold

Heigth 5″ 4

Civil status single

Natiomality filipino



2005 to 2006 4yr high scholl at Eusebio high school

Im graduate


June 2012 to november 2012 Collector messenger at Dhl express

End of contract

July 2014 to january 2016 Delivery rider at Greenwich

End of contract

Feb 2018 to january 2020 Delivery rider at Yellow cab hamptin

End of contract