
Ridmi Yasitha Nanayakkara Assistant Accountant and Administrator

Sri Lanka
Experience in working with ACC PAC Windows Accounting PackageFamiliar with MS-Peach Tree Accounting PackageFamiliar with Quick Book Accounting Package.

Search an employment to utilize my skills and knowledge gathered as a graduate and an employee, towards continuous growth and advancement of the organization.


A/L in 2008 Passed A/Ls and O/Ls with flying colours at Southlands College, Galle Fort, Sri Lanka
2009-2014 B. Sc in Accounting at University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Gangodawila, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka

2nd class lower division

2009 Certificate in Business Accounting at CIMA-UK
2011 Certificate in Banking and Finance at Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka
2013 Advanced Diploma in Management Accounting and Business studies at Institute of Certified Management Accountants of Sri Lanka


2014-2015 An Assistant Accountant at State Timber Corporation , Sri Lanka
2015-2018 Chief Administrator and Financial Controller at Galle International College, Sri Lanka