To enhance my knowledge and skills as employee whether in the Public and private companies and contribute my Knowledge base in my work experience in the Accounting office, it’s my desire to be a relevant and responsive employee.
Name : Roneljun B. Aspacio
Age : 29
Civil Status : Single
Birth Date : February 9, 1988
Birth Place : Libjo, Surigao Del Norte
Religion : IFI
Height : 5’4
Weight : 48kls.
Garcia Elementry School 1998-2002
Brgy. Garcia, Libjo,Surigao Del Norte
Albor National High School 2002-2006
Libjo, (Albor) Surigao Del Norte
Bachelor’s Degree
Surigao Education Center 2006-2011
Brgy. Luna K2.Surigao City, Surigao Del Norte
Bachelor Science inAccountancy-(BSA).
Power Master inc.
Peninsula court, Makati City
Benefits Officer (July, 2016-Dec.15, 2016)
PADLASHuman Resource Provider
Cagdianao Nickel Project-NAC CMC
Benefits Officer/Payroll in charge
March 5, 2015 to June 15, 2016
§ Ensure that compensation practices are in compliance with current legislation (pay equity, human rights, etc.)
§ Perform daily payroll department operations
§ Manage workflow to ensure all payroll transactions are processed accurately and timely
§ Reconcile payroll prior to transmission and validate confirmed reports
§ Understand proper taxation of employer paid benefits
§ Process correct garnishment calculations and compliance
Cagdianao Mining Corporation
Nickel Asia Corporation (NAC)
Mine Cashier/AR Specialist.
April 2013 – November 2014
Nature of Work
§ Costing of the Material Receive Report (MRR) then set up AP Lawson M3.
§ Prepare MRR monitoring & invoices monitoring excel file.
§ Encoding (HO) PO Receive in the M3 system make entry.
§ Check of the Liquidation and to set up the Lawson M3 system.
§ Responsible in Custodianship of vault and mine site petty cash fund.
§ Prepare liquidation weekly report
§ Issuance of Acknowledge Receipt of that returns of ASL or paying accommodation, etc. and makes entry Lawson M3 and Deposit all cash returns to CMC account.
§ Bank to Bank Transaction such as Payroll and others cash transaction, update Company passbook. And process our new member employee CMC to ATM payroll at MBTC Surigao City.
§ Prepare Fund Request in every 1st half of the month.
§ Prepare Cash flow report every month end.
§ Take Charge in the Distribution of checks, Cash and pay advice to the Company employees.
§ Prepare some SOA Billing every Month End
§ Assist. To all duties and Responsibilities in the Accounting office.
Draft Surveyor (2012).
Nature of work
§ To Calculate the Tonnage every 24hrs.
§ To Supervise the Loading Monitoring Personnel.
§ Submits all reports to the Supervisor every end of the day.
Vessel Loading Personnel(2011).
Nature of work
§ To record the time every LCT shipside of the Vessel. And the lay time
§ Calculate the daily hatch wise after the Surveyor calculate the Tonnage.
§ Assist. To the captain or chief mate to loading the cargoes to load in every hatch wise.
OJI-Trainee – Finance Department,
Philippines Port Authority at Bilang-Bilang, Surigao City (273hrs).
· Personality Enhancement Seminar on August 29, 2008 at SEC Mini Hotel atSurigao City.
· Business Student Congress on February 3&4 2011 at Balanghai Hotel & Convention Center, Doongan, Butuan City.
· Behavioral Base safety (BBS) Seminar on November 12-13, 2013 at Mine Site CMC Training center at Brgy.Valencia, CagdianaoDinagat Islands. Hosted by Engr. CreadRoriguez.Mining Engr.
Salvador C. Cabuatan
Administrative Manager
Cagdianao Mining Corporation-Nickel Asia Corporation
Engr. Bonifacio S. Ihada Jr.
Assay Head
Cagdianao Mining Corporation (NAC)
Valencia, Cagdianao, Dinagat Islands
Contact No. 09173116463
SSS NO. :08-1738564-6
PAG-IBIG NO. :1210-3575-9126
PHILHEALTH NO. :18-050100446-2
· Excellent understanding Skills Accounting Procedures
· Mastery of Lawson M3 system such a Costing entry, PO entry, ASL entries.
· Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines.
· Mastery of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PS)