Name : Roy N Rivera
Place of birth : Bani Pangasinan
Date of birth : May 31,1988
Age : 30 years old
Gender : Male
Religion : Catholic
Citizenship : Filipino
Civil Status : Single
Height : 5’5″
Weight : 57 kilos
In case of emergency pls. notify
: Mr.andMrs. Ulyssis Rivera
Characteristics : Resposible,Hard working,
Positive Thinker
Educatinal back ground:
Secondary : Bani National High School
Primary : Arwas Elementary School
Working Experience:
Instrument man survey
JASA Builders
Bani Pangasinan
Intrument man survey
Mark Bilt Construction Corp.
Lasam Cagayan
Sicalao Dam
Instrument man survey
ITP Construction Corporation Incorporation
Bustos Bulacan
Lower Angat River Bustos Dam
Instrument man survey
JASA Property Holdings Incorporation
Lower Kitma Baguio City
Balai de Selendra
2018- Present
Charater References:
Mrs: Emily Mendoza
Brgy. Councilor
Arwas, Bani, Pangasinan
I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief