Sheila Mae Meganiel
Job Objectives: To obtain a job a job which offers a professional working environment and enables me as a holder of a degree to grow and to enhance my personality, career growth and professional skills, attitudes and knowledge in the field of my expertise when I can perform my duties and responsibilities as a professional while meeting the objectives of an office.
Personal Data:
Nickname: Mik-Mik
Age: 24
Date of Birth: April 10, 1994
Place of birth: Maasim Sarangani Province
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Height: 5’2
Weight: 46
Fathers Name: Noel L. Sarsosa
Mothers Nmae: Normelita M. Sarsosa
MCM Brokerage Sta. Cruz Manila- April 03-April 26, 2017
Responsibilities On Internship:
– Goods Classification and entry declaration
-Customs duties and taxes computation preparation
-Customs documentation and Processing
Character References:
Alma C. Suyom
MCM Brokerage Accounting Assistant
MBL Building Sta. Cruz Manila
Ludivina Araneta
DJ Cargo Services Staff
Sta. Maria Zamboanga City
Eden Anni, MBA
College Instructor
Zamboanaga City