Career Fairs! Do They Still Have Value?
Career fairs, also referred to as job fairs or recruitment fairs, are the most despised in many professions. They are viewed as annoying obligations that hold limited benefits to both the company and the people attending. On the contrary, however, career fairs can be a chance to boost your professional opportunities or hire topnotch employees.
Businesses and industries hold career fairs for various reasons. As job fairs or recruitment fairs, they are meant to help search for potential future employees. Universities and colleges host career fairs to help students make informed career choices. Some industries also hold career fairs that are open to the public. The events often focus on a particular field and are led by the company representatives or leaders in the areas.
Representatives are allocated different stations or booths during a career fair event. From these stations, they give presentations regarding their area of expertise and answer questions from the audience. It is through such interactions that you gain insight into a business or industry of interest.
The Pros of Career Fairs
Career fairs are a chance for you to interact and learn from the leaders in your dream field. It is an opportunity for you to create connections that can help you progress in your career. This is also the place to learn more about the industry or business you admire. Companies do not organize career fairs every other day—It is a rare opportunity for the company to dedicate time to listen to you and answer your questions.
In as much as you may land a job offer in a career fair, it should be the last reason for attending one; the probability is very low. Nevertheless, prepare well for the event.
The Cons of Career Fairs
Not all career fairs are beneficial. Though they offer a chance to boost your profession or scout for the right employees, they can be a waste of time. The internet has made career fairs irrelevant. Today talent scouting, recruitment, and job-seeking are possible without these fairs. Some career fairs offer a minimal opportunity or participation, rendering it useless to attend. Some businesses also hold career fairs out of obligation and not with any intent of hiring. You do not want to waste your time filling application forms for the sake of doing it.
Turn to Virtual Career Fairs
The current CoVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed how everything is done. Virtual career fairs are now taking center stage, with numerous platforms sprouting every day. The virtual career fairs that previously existed, however, still hold a higher reputation.
Even though these virtual career fairs cannot fully replace face to face fairs, they still have many advantages. They are now the modern way of getting an insight into your career.
If you are planning to attend a job fair, do not do it blindly. Ensure you consult with Workopolis’ guide to the best career fairs in Canada to help you choose the most potential career fairs to attend. Overly, aim at nurturing affiliations with your selected businesses or industries in any career fair. You may need them along the way. It could be to attain your career goals or to get the employees who can steer your company in the right direction.