A Guide to Securing a Job in This Challenging and Difficult Time

The emergence of COvid-19 changed everything. Getting out of the house is now a challenge, leave alone going to work or hunting for a new job. Looking for a new job has always been a stressful experience. However, this is no ordinary time, finding something that will bring food on the table and pay rent has been a painful ordeal in the past few months. We’ve seen millions of people filing for unemployment in the last couple of months, but we rarely receive the good news of someone landing a new job and getting promoted.

It has never been this hard to find a job. With millions of people have lost their jobs, they’re likely to be thousands of more people applying for a single job vacancy. So, you need to ensure your CV stand out from the crowd to have a competitive edge of landing your dream job.

Keep reading to for tips on how to land a job in this trying time

Getting over the shock of losing a job you’ve held on for years isn’t easy, but you need to collect yourself and get back to hunting new posts. Below are a few tips to exponentially increase your chances of getting that one job that a million people are eyeing.

1. Aim higher and keep setting smarter and new goals. Every time you apply for a job, reevaluate, and update your goals. Also, make sure to stay focused on your search. While doing so, ensure that you carefully measure your progress so that not to lose focus or give up.

2. Do not use the same CV and cover letter to apply for different jobs and positions. Instead, take your time to update your CV and cover letter with accurate and relevant information for the position you are applying for. Make sure each CV and cover letter is customized to match the requirements of the new role.

3. Selling short your soft skills, agility, ability to remain positive, flexibility, and innovation is a common thing. Avoid doing so in your CV. Let your new employer know you don’t just give up in trying times. You are highly adaptable and motivated to rise above any situation, face some difficulties, and still do your best to deliver.

4. Make sure your profile in professional sites such as LinkedIn is up to date to reflect your current CV. This enhances your chances of being noticed by recruiters or potential employers.

5. With your LinkedIn account, narrow your search to companies that are more likely to consider your qualifications. Also, ask for recommendations and endorsements, and don’t forget to do the same.

6. You can also use your LinkedIn account to target specific companies. Approach search companies and express your interest in working for them

7. Spend some time to expand your skills. Add your new skill set to your CV and LinkedIn profile. This will give you an added advantage to getting a job.

8. Do not ignore the temporary job opportunities that are available out there. Expand your search to stand a better chance of landing a job.

9. Consider sending your CV to recruitment agencies and sites.

10. Take time on the internet and update yourself with a company’s progress. Learn as such as you can about the company through their website and social media handles. This may help you articulate your answers during an interview.

11. Start equipping yourself with skills and etiquettes of conducting a phone or a video call. Knowing the do’s and the don’ts will help you create an excellent first impression with your potential boss.

12. Make sure you adequately prepared to answer common interview questions. Also, employ the STAR method is responding to behavioral interview questions. While ending your interview, be sure to do so in a high and robust note. Let the recruiter know why you are the best candidate for the job and don’t shy from asking for feedback.