Canada Job Interviews
In life, there are moments where things get tensed up and all you can think of is run away from the situation at hand. Interviews have been proven to be one of the most common fears that people have. It is quite normal to feel tensed up when you get the thought of facing a panel of interviewers who are experts and have a lot of questions for you. You should always be ready in advance through preparation and reading widely, depending on the field you have specialized in. In as much as you have prepared yourself fully and have all the content that is required, your conduct inside the interview room matters a lot. Therefore, below is a list of the nine things you should always remember when in an interview.
- Be on time
People often judge you using the first impression they get about you. Therefore, do all what it takes to be at the interview early. It would even be better if you arrived some minutes earlier so as to orient yourself with the environment surrounding you.
- Introduce yourself
Remember, people do not know you, so it is necessary to introduce yourself, to the secretary/receptionist and in the interviewing room. Make the introduction brief but elaborate, and do in a confident tone.

- Shake hands
After entering the interviewing room, shake hands with all the panelists and interviewers in the room, while making strong eye contact, smile lightly and do not use a firm grip. This will help lighten up the mood in the place.
- Wait for permission to sit
Do not assume you are permitted to take a seat. This is one point many interviewees tend to forget, mostly because of the tensed mood and the fear of the eyes which are focused on you. After introducing yourself, it is advisable to stand there, arms placed forward with your bag/briefcase, and wait for the confirmation to take your sit, after which, you will be courteous enough to say thank you.
- Place where to keep your items
After sitting down, the best place to keep your bag, is on your lap, depending on its size but if it is a bit bulky, place it on your feet or on the floor besides you. Never place your loose items on the interviewer’s desk.
- Maintain a positive and friendly attitude
In an interview room, there are a lot of questions asked, some of which need one word answers, while others require some explanation. When given the chance to speak or give a brief statement why you are the most suitable for the job, do it in the most polite manner, hence creating a good rapport.

- Remember to switch off any electronic device
It would be embarrassing if your phone started ringing in front of the panelists. This would clearly make you lose marks. Do not be the one to interrupt the important session. It will even disorient your mind and make you more nervous
- Reason with logic
Keep in mind that you are there for the interview, so do not start asking for refreshments or to be granted permission to smoke. You will not get the job. Try exercising some good table manners if offered the chance to dine and if given a chance to ask any question, ask the most relevant and helpful question.
- Thank the interviewer
After being offered a seat, and after the interview, always give thanks to the interviewers. It doesn’t hurt being courteous.
Follow these steps carefully during your interview and watch the splendid results!