Keeping your first awesome job in Canada

Keeping Your First Awesome Job in Canada

The hardest part about finding a job is keeping it. You don’t want to lose your newly found job, do you? You should know that it’s common for employers to employ on a probationary basis before you are permanently hired. Be the best that you can be once you start working to show your employer why it would benefit them to keep you as part of their workforce. Remember, you were hired so that you could provide value.

You should know that just providing value is not enough to help you keep your first awesome job in Canada. What more do you need to do?

Fathom your employer’s expectations

As you strive to provide value at your first job in Canada, it’s paramount that you fathom the expectations of your employer. Discerning the expectations of your employer means that you can direct your productivity towards meeting them. The consequence will be that your contributions to your workplace will be easily noticed. This way, you will be a couple of steps close to keeping your first fabulous job in Canada.

Embrace the Canadian workplace customs plus the role of your job

As a new Canadian, you might find the workplace culture at your new fabulous job very contrasting to what you are used to in your country of origin. You should know you are not the only one experiencing this culture shock. Was that consoling?

The apt move to make when faced with such a situation is embracing the new culture at your workplace. Yes, it might take some time to get it right, but it will work to prove to your employer your commitment to having the job long term. Do your research well, and do not be afraid to ask where you have doubts. You should apply the same strategy to fathom the role of your job in Canada.

Be initiative

One of the most sort after employee qualities by employers in Canada is an initiative. Canadian employers want to hire employees who have a swift sense of initiative. What does being initiative mean? In simple terms, deliver more than you are asked for always. This will build your employer’s trust in your ability to deliver, and it won’t take long before you are but in charge of projects. Wouldn’t that be fantastic?

Always promote equality

The world now is struggling with equality on numerous fronts. Canada is home to different cultures and people and has always idolized promoting equality. Equality in Canada is even more so emphasized in workplaces. Now that you have your first awesome job in Canada, you should take advantage of it to promote equality. Provide every person that you interact with both at work and outside with the respect that they deserve.

Learn the Canadian styles of business communication

How do you communicate with your employer, colleagues, and even clients? Canadians have very particular business communication styles. Mastering these styles means that you can efficiently communicate at your job. This way, you will be able to collaborate, share ideas, take instructions, advice, and ask questions outstandingly.

If you find it challenging to implement all of the above tips at once, try the weekly approach. Which Canadian employer wouldn’t want to keep you if you check all of the above? At the Settling in Canada Online Fair, you will get more insights into having a prosperous life in the country.