(How-To) Get a Housekeeping Job in Canada
Housekeeping is the management of duties and chores involved in the running of the house. It includes activities such as home maintenance, food preparation, cleaning, shopping, washing and bill paying. A family member can do the task, or you can hire a person to do it. The person hired to do such work is referred to as a housekeeper he or she manages all the household activates. If you are trying to get a housekeeping job in Canada, there are some things which you must keep in minds.
- Understand who a is a housekeeper
You should understand what it involves being a house help, the primary character of housekeepers is cleanliness. Housekeeping job implies a lot of cleaning. Being physically fit is critical, People with allergies such as dust allergies do not fit for this job. Also, you should remember if you get a job in someone’s house you will get to interact with everything in the house including his or her pet so you should be attentive.
- How to get job
Getting the housekeeping job in Canada may be not easy; one of the greatest tips on how you may secure a position is through direct hiring you may sometime get posters written help wanted. However, in Canada, foreigners are hired in any position if only there is no citizen to fill up the position.

- Part time or full time housekeeping job
In Canada housekeeping jobs can either be full time or part time, it will determine with the employer plus your willingness.it doesn’t need you to be a Canadian to get a housekeeping job in Canada they also hire other people from other countries.
- Education requirement for the housekeeping job
Before start searching for the jobs, you should know the education requirements of a housekeeper. In Canada, high school education is not a requirement but you should at least be able to do simple arithmetic and follow simple instructions. Most of the times employers look for people whom they share the same language so that communication can be smooth. However, most of the training on how to use different equipment is provided by the employer.
- Earning of a Housekeeper
Common people view housekeeping jobs as a dirty work, but its pay proves them wrong. In Canada, the average hourly pay for a housekeeper is $9.76.depending on whom is your employer, and the working experience you hold you can make as much as $15.98 per hour.
- Housekeepers careers path
You should understand the housekeeper’s career path Career paths for housekeepers. You can start as a housekeeper and later you get promoted to a higher position such as a supervisor or a team leader.

- Housekeeper taken out together with a family on a vacation
When trying to get a housekeeping job in Canada, you should keep in mind in future there will be better housekeeping jobs. In Canada, the housekeeping positions are expected to grow where the growth is directly linked to the economy, for instance, some people may be worried about spending a lot on luxuries and vacations buying the food. Instead, they will require a good and experienced housekeeper to go with them. For you to get such position you should at least be able to prove your worthiness and the only way to prove your worthiness is by working very hard without supervision.
Housekeeping job is not as many view it, there are many who discovered their passions when doing it and eventually ended up being their bosses with cleaning franchise such as The Maids Home Services or Maid Brigade. It is a nice career which some people really on and lives beautiful lives. If you feel like you have a passion for managing the household and doing a lot of cleanliness, you should try it and am sure it will work correctly for you.