Employment in Canada for Filipinos is relatively simple to obtain

Anywhere you’re seeking employment; the type of work you can find depends on several things. You’ll need proper working visas for all. Depending on the type of work you’re looking for, you’ll need certifications, and a background history of work in the field. Jobs in professional fields such as nursing, engineering, or accounting will need the educational degrees and experience necessary for these jobs.


Some jobs available in Canada are:

  • Caregiver jobs

  • Teaching

  • Hospitality jobs: Housekeeping, waitressing, cashiering

  • Construction

  • Teaching

  • Engineering

  • Architecture

Successful Employment in Canada

The most important thing in finding work in Canada is to have all pertinent paperwork organized and ready for presentation when needed. A good place to find out what type of paperwork and requirements needed can be found through the Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA).

Finding Employment

There are several ways to find employment in Canada. One way is to use trusted online job websites. You’ll know if these are legitimate websites, as they are approved, and recommended, by the Immigration of Canada office. Another place to look for employment is through the Philippines for Direct Hiring agency. Family and friends are a good resource when looking for employment. Just as with any job searches, the more you apply for, the better chance you’ll have of getting hired.

When you’ve found employment, you’ll need to apply for a working visa. If all of your other paperwork is in order, this will be relatively simply to do. The paperwork for the LMIA will make this process easier. Another important document to have at the ready is your SSS Employee Static Information paperwork.

 The Importance of Organized Paperwork and Applying for a Visa

When you’re applying for a Visa, you’ll understand the importance of having all of your paperwork in order and available. If all of your information is completed, and consistent, this will speed up the Visa process. You may possibly apply online. If your paperwork is not in order and complete, you will probably have to attend an interview with the Canadian Consul. This can add quite a bit of time to you receiving your work visa.